I do have a wish list/bucket list that I have been building, working upon since past 3 years now. It was always up there on my hostel wall. I have managed to tick off a good number of things and keep adding new ones to the list. More about that later.
This November I turned 25. To be honest, no quarter life crisis here. I have had good promising 25 years and the future canvas keeps growing bigger. Around April this year, my friend who was also turning 25 suggested an idea of working with a shorter timeline on a list of things to do before turning 25 and thus I created the following list:

This November I turned 25. To be honest, no quarter life crisis here. I have had good promising 25 years and the future canvas keeps growing bigger. Around April this year, my friend who was also turning 25 suggested an idea of working with a shorter timeline on a list of things to do before turning 25 and thus I created the following list:
- A road trip (This was supposed to be a warm up for the bigger 'all India road trip' on my wish list)
- Start my own youtube channel
- Write more poetry (Later I linked this to the youtube channel idea)
- Record an original song
- Hot Air Balloon Ride (Inspired by reading about Richard Branson)
- Learn Swimming
- Run the half marathon (This was the first attempt)
So, I finally decided to evaluate this list and given below is how it went (thanks to facebook timeline i can revisit my thoughts during the course of these events and add them here) :
- Road Trip: Took a week off and went on an awesomely fun road trip. The route was Delhi-Chandigarh-Mcleodganj-Palampur-Old Manali-Delhi. Some random observations from the Roadtrip:
o Chilled bear is easier to find than Pepsi/Coke on Punjab Highways.
o Google Maps go crazy on the hills.
o 'The Real Dabang' on roads is Haryana Roadways. All vehicles give them the due respect and space on road.
o The best road trip music is and will remain Lucky Ali :)
- Hot Air Balloon Ride: Though I had planned it differently and evaluated options in Gurgaon but the opportunity presented itself much earlier. On our roadtrip, while travelling to Manali we saw hot air balloon rides being offered in a large open field area on our way. That very moment we kind of agreed, to do this before leaving Manali. Finally, being on the balloon an interesting thing is the sound of the burners which is a great roar as the balloon ascends and ofcourse the magnificent view of the surrounding hills. It was an interesting experience, one which presented itself without any planning :)!

- Write more poetry: This was a wish to revive the poet in me. So I started writing again, strangely in a manner and pattern I had never written before and was able to write a surprising number of poems in this year. In fact my personal maximum number for any given year. And I am glad that some of my writings got encouraging feedback.
Link to the posts: Some of my poems
- Youtube Channel: The idea of having my own youtube channel sounded random enough to be worked upon. The idea sounded easier than the work that was to follow. I decided to further use my writings and voice record them and create channel uploads. So I had to write more consistently (which becomes a tough task as forced creativity doesn't flow), then record my voice, do some bit of editing and then upload. I managed to get started on it lately and hope to upload more as I continue writing :)
Link to my youtube channel: aazaadiyaan

- Half Marathon: The target of running a marathon came from the idea that it will act as a measure of high fitness levels and well also as a tough challenge to keep one entertained. I did prepare with some random runs for around a month and a half before the marathon and running did become fun. But a marathon takes a lot out of you. All the more when you have never ever run even half the distance required at one go. But it gives you back. Way more :-)! In my first half marathon attempt I managed to go all the way (21 kms) in a time span of 2 Hours 53 Minutes. It was an awesome feeling to cross the finish line and a painful one while the body took good two days to recover from it :)!
- Learn Swimming: This is still in process. More due to laziness and inconsistency :). I along with my friends have been trying to learn swimming without an instructor. For the past 2 summer seasons we have been going to a pool nearby but end up creating a lot of bhasad there. Though I sense we aren't too far from learning as well. This might happen in the coming summer :)
- Record an original song: This was again a random thought that came to my mind. I haven't been able to work much on this. Though I am writing a lot of original stuff and lately managed to do some bit of singing in front of a crowd as well : Pankhon Ko (shabby recording in the office basement). Learning an instrument is also on my future list so an original recording might happen sometime in the future.
It has been a really interesting year which presented some more amazing experiences than the ones on that list such as being a part of a people's movement, a great mountain flight circling Mt Everest, first making an effort to locate and then meeting a role model/someone special after 11 years, the hills being very kind to me calling me again and again.
The above list and a bigger 'my wish list' for life gives me an interesting opportunity to keep having great new experiences and also giving my life a sense of direction, while enjoying each wish/to do item on the list. On my wish list there are bigger crazy things such as buying my own island, all India road trip, being the front story of the Entrepreneur Magazine and many more.
These are times to dream.. and live some as well :)!